LENUCCI, Marcello Salvatore
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 8.894
NA - Nord America 4.055
AS - Asia 2.010
AF - Africa 48
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 11
OC - Oceania 1
SA - Sud America 1
Totale 15.020
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.023
IT - Italia 3.540
IE - Irlanda 3.308
SE - Svezia 866
HK - Hong Kong 808
UA - Ucraina 648
SG - Singapore 499
CN - Cina 330
IN - India 260
FI - Finlandia 173
FR - Francia 89
DE - Germania 82
GB - Regno Unito 50
KR - Corea 48
SN - Senegal 42
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 37
BE - Belgio 33
CA - Canada 31
TW - Taiwan 18
JP - Giappone 17
NL - Olanda 14
EU - Europa 11
TR - Turchia 11
LT - Lituania 9
TN - Tunisia 6
CH - Svizzera 5
ES - Italia 5
ID - Indonesia 5
MY - Malesia 5
RO - Romania 5
RU - Federazione Russa 5
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 5
AT - Austria 3
HR - Croazia 3
HU - Ungheria 3
BG - Bulgaria 2
IR - Iran 2
MC - Monaco 2
PH - Filippine 2
PK - Pakistan 2
PL - Polonia 2
AU - Australia 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EE - Estonia 1
GR - Grecia 1
IQ - Iraq 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
PR - Porto Rico 1
RS - Serbia 1
TL - Timor Orientale 1
VE - Venezuela 1
VN - Vietnam 1
Totale 15.020
Città #
Dublin 3.308
Lecce 2.955
Chandler 874
Hong Kong 677
Jacksonville 408
Singapore 385
Wayanad 247
Princeton 209
Des Moines 139
Central District 131
New York 114
Boardman 107
Kent 79
Wilmington 73
Lequile 70
Ann Arbor 58
West Jordan 56
Ogden 54
Seoul 48
Dakar 42
Munich 40
Rome 36
Brno 35
Brussels 33
Jinan 31
Helsinki 30
Ashburn 23
Bari 21
Toronto 21
Brooklyn 18
Taipei 17
Tokyo 17
Milan 16
Nanjing 16
London 15
Shenyang 15
Los Angeles 14
Dallas 13
Turin 13
Tianjin 12
Frankfurt am Main 11
Seelze 11
Taranto 11
Beijing 10
Kocaeli 10
Lanzhou 10
Newham 10
Norwalk 10
Ottawa 10
Palermo 10
San Giorgio Ionico 10
Catania 9
Copertino 9
Haikou 9
Salice Salentino 9
Naples 8
Taizhou 8
Casalmaggiore 7
Cedar Knolls 7
Cernobbio 7
Taiyuan 7
Gallarate 6
Hangzhou 6
Hebei 6
Napoli 6
San Mateo 6
San Pietro Vernotico 6
Amsterdam 5
Forest City 5
Ostuni 5
Altamura 4
Aradeo 4
Augusta 4
Castrovillari 4
Changsha 4
Delhi 4
Falkenstein 4
Leawood 4
Monmouth Junction 4
Nanchang 4
Paris 4
Parma 4
Shanghai 4
Sommatino 4
Aprilia 3
Cascina 3
Edinburgh 3
Gallipoli 3
Modena 3
Ningbo 3
Nocera Inferiore 3
Pisa 3
Redwood City 3
Salento 3
Salerno 3
San Pancrazio Salentino 3
Timișoara 3
Verona 3
Voghera 3
Zagreb 3
Totale 10.818
Nome #
Estrazione di licopene con CO2 supercritica da matrici biologiche preparate da bacche mature di pomodoro 175
Idrolisi enzimatica dell'amido in Ipomea batatas L. Lam. mediante utilizzo di due differenti tipi di α-amilasi termostabili 139
Estrazione di licopene con CO2 supercritica da matrici biologiche preparate da bacche mature di pomodoro 138
Ontogenesi dei plastidi e carotenogenesi in peponidi di anguria: uno studio integrato 123
Artemisia annua cell cultures as tools for investigating the production of bioactive compounds 122
Effetto dello stress termico sull’attività delle xiloglucano endotransglicosilasi (XET) in apici radicali di plantule di frumento duro 116
Antioxidant composition in Cherry and High-Pigment Tomato Cultivars 108
Drought and Heat Differentially Affect XTH Expression and XET Activity and Action in 3-Day-Old Seedlings of Durum Wheat Cultivars with Different Stress Susceptibility 107
Durum wheat by-products as natural sources of valuable nutrients. 106
The chimera AtCslA2-GFP is functionally inserted into Golgi membrane and synthesises β-mannans 106
Caratterizzazione biochimica degli scarti industriali del carciofo: valutazione del loro potenziale utilizzo per la produzione di bio-etanolo 103
Analisi dei polisaccaridi di parete in varietà di pomodoro tradizionali e al alto contenuto di licopene 102
Encapsulation in cyclodextrins of pumpkin and tomato oleoresins entracte by supercritical CO2 102
Antioxidants in Varieties of Chicory (Cichorium intybusL.) and Wild Poppy (Papaver rhoeasL.) of Southern Italy 101
Characterization of β-glucan content and lipophilic antioxidant profile in whole kernels of durum wheat lines from Sicily (Southern Italy) 101
Effetto dello stress idrico e termico sull’accumulo di citrullina in plantule di anguria (Cucumis citrullus (L.) Ser, cv. Crimson sweet). 99
Sottoprodotti agroalimentari: una ricca fonte di molecole bioattive 99
Technological strategies for the use of watermelon as a source of bioactive molecules and antioxidant pigments 99
Glycosidase assisted extraction of lycopene by supercritical CO2 from a freeze-dried tomato matrix Journal of Biotechnology, 150 (S1): 306. 98
Seeds of pomegranate, tomato and grapes: An underestimated source of natural bioactive molecules and antioxidants from agri-food by-products 98
Application of response surface methodology (RSM) for the optimization of supercritical CO2 extraction of oil from patè olive cake: Yield, content of bioactive molecules and biological effects in vivo 98
Absence of N-Galacturonoyl-putrescine amides in plant cell wall 97
Evaluation of bioactive compounds in black table olives fermented with selected microbial starters 97
Accumulo di citrullina in risposta allo stress idrico in giovani plantule di anguria (Cucumis citrullus (L.) Ser) 96
Canapa industriale: studio sulla capacità di assorbimento, traslocazione e bioaccumulo di metalli pesanti e metalloidi in terreni non contaminati 96
Schede tecniche di cultivar di pomodoro grappolino (Licopersicon esculentum Mill.) coltivate nel Salento 95
Approccio metodologico per lo studio delle glicoproteine in Leptolyngbya VRUC 135 95
Produzione di bioetanolo da biomasse di patata dolce (Ipomea batatas L. Lam). 95
A bifasic response to cadmium stress in carrot: Early acclimatory mechanisms give way to root collapse-further to prolonged metal exposure 95
Caratterizzazione quali-quantitativa dei carboidrati in sei differenti varietà di patata dolce (Ipomea batatas L. Lam.) 95
Effect of drying and co-matrix addition on the yield and quality of supercritical CO2 extracted pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duch.) oil 95
Analisi dei carboidrati in porzioni edibili e non di una varietà di carciofo locale 95
Bioactive compounds in supercritical CO2-extracted pumpkin oil 95
Methodological approach for the study of glycoconjugates in Leptolyngbya VRUC 135 93
Effects of cyclic and linear oligosaccharides on artemisinin metabolism in Artemisia annua L. cell cultures. 92
Functional spaghetti supplemented with antioxidants and soluble dietary fibers in the form of SC-CO2 pumpkin oleoresin/α-cyclodextrins complexes 91
Valutazione del contenuto in carboidrati in tre diverse varietà di patata dolce (Ipomea batatas L. Lam) 90
Carotenoid content during tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) fruit ripening in traditional and high- pigment cultivars 90
Lipid/detergent mixed micelles as a tool for transferring antioxidant power from hydrophobic natural extracts into bio-deliverable liposome carriers: the case of lycopene rich oleoresins 90
PT03.3: The Role of Three Different Lycopene Extracts on Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Cell Line 90
Heat stress affects XET activity in durum wheat roots: Biotechnological implications 90
Pasta, bread and fantasy: innovation in the production of functional foods for consumers’ wellbeing 90
A Carotenoid Extract from a Southern Italian Cultivar of Pumpkin Triggers Nonprotective Autophagy in Malignant Cells 89
Produzione di bio-etanolo da biomasse di patata dolce 88
Assenza di N-galatturonilputrescinammidi nella parete di cellule di Arabidopsis thaliana sottoposte a condizioni di stress ossidativo. 87
Cellular Localization and Biochemical Characterization of a Chimeric Fluorescent Protein Fusion of Arabidopsis Cellulose Synthase-Like A2 Inserted into Golgi Membrane 87
Extraction of bioactive polysaccharides from cereals for the preparation of functional pasta 87
Effect of heat and drought stresses on XET activity in different organs of durum wheat seedlings 87
XTH and stress: how cell wall remodeling contributes to heat tolerance 87
Maturazione dell'anguria: variazioni strutturali dei polisaccaridi di parete e valutazione dell'espressione dei principali geni coinvolti nel loro metabolismo 86
Assessment of sweet potato [Ipomoea batatas(L.) Lam] for bioethanol production in southern Italy 86
Technological strategies for the use of watermelon as a source of bioactive molecules and antioxidant pigments. 86
The importance of phytocomplex: a comparative study on just 3 shades of red. 86
When Color Really Matters: Horticultural Performance and Functional Quality of High-Lycopene Tomatoes 86
Enzyme-aided extraction of lycopene from high-pigment tomato cultivars by supercritical carbon dioxide 85
A focus on high-lycopene tomato cultivars: horticultural performance and functional quality 85
Antioxidant activity and bioactive compound changes during fruit ripening of high-lycopene tomato cultivars 84
Antiossidanti in varietà di cicoria e in "paparine" del Salento 83
Nano-encapsulation of SC-CO2 extracted wheat bran oil by α-cyclodextrins: A stability study. 83
Uso di miscele enzimatiche nella preparazione di matrici di pomodoro idonee all'estrazione del licopene con CO2 supercritica 82
Shades of red: Comparative study on supercritical CO2 extraction of lycopene-rich oleoresins from gac, tomato and watermelon fruits and effect of the α-cyclodextrin clathrated extracts on cultured lung adenocarcinoma cells’ viability 82
Carotenoids content in ripe raw and processed (sauce) berries of high pigment tomato hybrids 81
Effects of sodium alginate bead encapsulation on the storage stability of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) bran oil extracted by supercritical CO2 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, DOI 10.1021/jf303162m. 81
Evidence on a controller export of a cell wall protein 81
Application of response surface methodology for the optimization of supercritical CO2 extraction of oil from olive paste: yield, content of bioactive molecules and biological effects in vivo 81
Water stress and cell wall polysaccharides in apical root zone of wheat cultivars varying in drought tolerance 80
Determinazione del contenuto di citrullina in diverse Cucurbitaceae 80
Health turns red: comparative study on supercritical CO2 extraction of lycopene from fruits and effect of the nanocarrier encapsulated oleoresins on cultured lung adenocarcinoma cells 80
Bioactive composition and sensory evaluation of innovative spaghetti supplemented with free or α-cyclodextrin chlatrated pumpkin oil extracted by supercritical CO2 80
Variability in the content of soluble sugars and cell wall polysaccharides in red-ripe cherry and high-pigment tomato cultivars 79
Valutazione del valore nutrizionale e salutistico in diverse cultivar di pomodoro grappolino 79
Utilizzo di glicosidasi nella preparazione di matrici di pomodoro idonee all’estrazione del licopene con CO2 supercritica 79
Watermelon as a source of bioactive molecole. 79
Functional pasta enriched with bioactive compounds and fibers in the form of highly stable SC-CO2 extracted pumpkin oleoresin/α-CD complex 79
Development of biosensors for quality determination of durum wheat and its and-products 79
Application of RSM for the optimization of supercritical CO2 extraction of oil from olive paste: yield, content of bioactive molecules and biological effects 79
Artemisia annua L. cell cultures as tools for investigating the production of bioactive compounds 79
Do polyamine contribute to plant cell wall assembly by forming amide bonds with pectins? 78
Glicoproteine in Leptolyngbya VRUC 135 78
Dynamic protein trafficking to the cell wall 78
Strategie tecnologiche per l’utilizzo dell’anguria come fonte di molecole bioattive. 78
Contenuto di metalli in diverse varietà di pomodoro 77
Optimisation of biological and physical parameters for lycopene supercritical CO2 extraction from ordinary and high-pigment tomato cultivars 77
Watermelon chromoplasts: bio-factories for the synthesis and accumulation of carotenoids. 77
Tolerance to high temperatures and drought: Study of variability in a tetraploid wheat collection 77
Effect of wounding on the biosynthesis and cross-linking of proteins in chickpea seedlings 76
Carotenoids content in ripe raw and processed (sauce) berries of high pigment tomato hybrids7th World congress on the processing tomato & 10th ISHS symposium on the processing tomato, Tunisi, Tunisia , pag. 110. 76
Durum wheat by-products as natural sources of valuable nutrients 76
A new route of valorization of rice endosperm by-product: Production of polymeric biocomposites 76
Application of response surface methodology for the optimization of supercritical CO2 extraction of oil from olive paste: yield, content of bioactive molecules and biological effects in vivo 76
Functional pasta enriched with bioactive compounds and fibers in the form of highly stable SC-CO2 extracted pumpkin oleoresin/α-CD complex 76
The biosynthesis of exo- and cell wall-polysaccharides is sensitive to brefeldin A in the cyanobacterium Leptolyngbya VRUC 135. 75
Contenuto di antiossidanti in diverse cv di pomodoro 75
Stabilità del licopene nel processing di bacche di pomodoro e nella conservazione di prodotti del pomodoro 75
Determinazione dell'attività antiossidante e del contenuto di fenoli e flavonoidi in albicocca, pesca e prugna 75
Functional, textural and sensory properties of dry pasta supplemented with lyophilized tomato matrix or with durum wheat bran extracts produced by supercritical carbon dioxide or ultrasound 74
Photovoltaics design and synergy with landscape: multifunctional land use nexus between renewable energy production and water supply 74
Produzione di bioetanolo dai residui derivati dalla preparazione di matrici biologiche da bacche di pomodoro 73
Totale 8.971
Categoria #
all - tutte 85.556
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 85.556

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020752 0 0 0 0 0 0 144 261 46 85 205 11
2020/20211.834 177 20 237 195 149 218 20 242 69 227 66 214
2021/2022815 10 6 8 58 178 11 19 74 39 10 92 310
2022/20235.946 286 446 282 244 267 343 95 202 3.535 30 139 77
2023/20242.112 171 142 136 155 216 122 22 62 211 416 323 136
2024/20251.453 95 57 110 65 441 679 6 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 15.276