CONGEDO, Paolo Maria
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 5.879
NA - Nord America 2.302
AS - Asia 935
AF - Africa 66
SA - Sud America 12
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
OC - Oceania 2
Totale 9.200
Nazione #
IT - Italia 2.399
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.292
IE - Irlanda 2.260
SE - Svezia 576
SG - Singapore 408
UA - Ucraina 382
IN - India 194
CN - Cina 162
HK - Hong Kong 135
FI - Finlandia 106
SN - Senegal 57
DE - Germania 40
BE - Belgio 24
GB - Regno Unito 19
FR - Francia 13
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 11
NL - Olanda 11
BR - Brasile 9
CA - Canada 9
JP - Giappone 9
PK - Pakistan 8
IR - Iran 5
PL - Polonia 5
RU - Federazione Russa 5
AL - Albania 4
EU - Europa 4
LT - Lituania 4
MC - Monaco 4
RO - Romania 4
TR - Turchia 4
GH - Ghana 3
MY - Malesia 3
NG - Nigeria 3
NP - Nepal 3
CH - Svizzera 2
DK - Danimarca 2
ES - Italia 2
GR - Grecia 2
ID - Indonesia 2
AM - Armenia 1
AR - Argentina 1
AU - Australia 1
CL - Cile 1
DZ - Algeria 1
EG - Egitto 1
HR - Croazia 1
KR - Corea 1
MT - Malta 1
NO - Norvegia 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PA - Panama 1
PE - Perù 1
SD - Sudan 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
Totale 9.200
Città #
Dublin 2.258
Lecce 2.077
Chandler 423
Singapore 279
Jacksonville 253
Wayanad 191
Princeton 138
Des Moines 89
New York 76
Hong Kong 68
Central District 66
Dakar 57
Ann Arbor 39
Boardman 39
West Jordan 38
Wilmington 38
Ogden 36
Los Angeles 22
Brussels 21
Lequile 18
Milan 18
Kent 15
Munich 14
Rome 14
Helsinki 13
Santa Clara 12
Dallas 11
Nardò 11
Beijing 10
Bremen 10
Copertino 10
Bari 9
Brno 9
Falls Church 9
Guangzhou 8
Hangzhou 8
Kyiv 8
London 8
Naples 8
Norwalk 8
Tokyo 8
Cagliari 7
Jinan 7
Tianjin 7
Cedar Knolls 6
Islamabad 6
Lappeenranta 6
Redwood City 6
Toronto 6
Trani 6
Verona 6
Changsha 5
Nanjing 5
Palermo 5
Shenyang 5
São Paulo 5
Zhengzhou 5
Borgo Valsugana 4
Brooklyn 4
Cascina 4
Chicago 4
Council Bluffs 4
Damwald 4
Grafing 4
Guidonia Montecelio 4
Londrina 4
Monaco 4
Sessa Aurunca 4
Tirana 4
Warsaw 4
Aradeo 3
Bologna 3
Catania 3
Edinburgh 3
Katsina 3
Lanzhou 3
Molfetta 3
New Braunfels 3
Noci 3
Padova 3
Romans d'Isonzo 3
Shanghai 3
Accra 2
Amsterdam 2
Bergamo 2
Betungan 2
Carini 2
Castelluccio Superiore 2
Cittiglio 2
Copenhagen 2
Ferrara 2
Frankfurt am Main 2
Genoa 2
Giugliano in Campania 2
Istanbul 2
Karlsruhe 2
Kaski 2
Katerini 2
Kocaeli 2
Kortrijk 2
Totale 6.664
Nome #
PASSIVE HOUSE 2007-2008 per i climi del mediterraneo: progettazione dell’involucro edilizio di una passive house per i climi del mediterraneo sita in San Vito dei Normanni (Br) e dei relativi impianti tecnologici alimentati con energia rinnovabile (progetto in fase esecutiva). 109
Properties of aluminosilicate refractories with synthesized boron-modified TiO2 nanocrystals 107
Energy retrofit and environmental sustainability improvement of a historical farmhouse in Southern Italy 106
CFD modelling of the impact of urban hedgerows on air quality in an idealized street canyon 105
CFD modelling of the impact of hedges on pollutant dispersion in an isolated street canyon 105
Progettazione esecutiva di un impianto a pompe di calore geotermiche a sonde orizzontali in configurazione lineare e slinky e solare termico per un asilo comunale sito a Campi Salentina (Le), (Progetto vincitore di finanziamento nell'ambito del Programma Operativo Interregionale "Energie Rinnovabili e Risparmio Energetico 2007/2013", Linea 1.3 attività 2 - Produzione di energia termica) 104
Assessment of cost-optimality and technical solutions in high performance multi-residential buildings in the Mediterranean area 103
Analisi termofluidodinamica delle condizioni microclimatiche interne in edifici storici 102
Analisi termofluidodinamica di un impianto di incenerimento rifiuti con tecnologia al plasma 95
Progettazione di un Modulo Abitativo di Emergenza 93
LABORATORIO PER L’EFFICIENZA ENERGETICA ABITATIVA E LA TUTELA MONUMENTALE - Avviso Pubblico “Reti di laboratori pubblici di ricerca”. APQ “Ricerca Scientifica” – II e III Atto Integrativo. D.G.R. n.1719 del 2 agosto 2011. Regione Puglia 93
A passive house for a Mediterranean climate 90
Characterization of Polyurethane Foam Added with Synthesized Acetic and Oleic-modified TiO2Nanocrystals 90
Analisi termo-fluidodinamica di un processo di normalizzazione di ruote dentate all’interno di un forno di tempra 89
Impianto rinnovabile ibrido fotovoltaico-eolico con accumulo per la produzione di energia elettrica per uso residenziale: studio di fattibilità energetica ed economica 89
An Integrated Tool to Monitor Renewable Energy Flows and Optimize the Recharge of a Fleet of Plug-in Electric Vehicles in the Campus of University of Salento 88
Numerical method for wind energy analysis in WTG siting 88
Analisi tecnico – economica di un impianto di trigenerazione a Servizio di un agglomerato residenziale 87
CFD modeling to evaluate the thermal performances of window frames in accordance with the ISO 10077 85
Analysis of energy consumption: A case study of an Italian winery 85
Cost-optimal analysis and technical comparison between standard and high efficient mono-residential buildings in a warm climate 84
Modeling and Analysis of Natural Convection Heat Transfer in Nanofluids 83
Design method of high performance precast external walls for warm climate by multi-objective optimization analysis 83
Air cooled heat pump coupled with Horizontal Air-Ground Heat Exchanger (HAGHE) for Zero Energy Buildings in the Mediterranean climate 83
CFD simulations of horizontal ground heat exchangers: A comparison among different configurations 81
Case passive per il clima mediterraneo: l'esempio di San Vito dei Normanni (Br) 80
Comparison of strategies for multi-step ahead photovoltaic power forecasting models based on hybrid group method of data handling networks and least square support vector machine 79
Caratterizzazione Fluidodinamica Di Un Parco Eolico 78
Improvements in the predictions for the photovoltaic system performance of the Mediterranean regions 77
Forecasting of PV Power Generation using weather input data-preprocessing techniques 77
Study of degradation of a grid connected photovoltaic system 77
Economic and thermal evaluation of different uses of an existing structure in a warm climate 76
A literature review and statistical analysis of photovoltaic-wind hybrid renewable system research by considering the most relevant 550 articles: An upgradable matrix literature database 76
Error analysis of hybrid photovoltaic power forecasting models: A case study of mediterranean climate 75
Thermal and mechanical performance of rigid polyurethane foam added with commercial nanoparticles 75
Data on photovoltaic power forecasting models for Mediterranean climate 74
An innovative solution to increase the performances of an Air-Cooled Heat Pump by Horizontal Air-Ground Heat-Exchangers 74
Experimental validation of horizontal air-ground heat exchangers (HAGHE) for ventilation systems 74
Data of cost-optimality and technical solutions for high energy performance buildings in warm climate 73
Operative air temperature data for different measures applied on a building envelope in warm climate 73
Computational Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis of Horizontal Helical Heat Exchangers for GSHPs 72
CFD modeling and moisture dynamics implications of ventilation scenarios in historical buildings 72
Horizontal Air-Ground Heat Exchanger Performance and Humidity Simulation by Computational Fluid Dynamic Analysis 72
Long term performance, losses and efficiency analysis of a 960 kWp photovoltaic system in the Mediterranean climate 72
Cost optimal analysis of lighting retrofit scenarios in educational buildings in Italy 72
Design of a ventilation system coupled with a horizontal air-ground heat exchanger (HAGHE) for a residential building in a warm climate 72
Comparison Between Wind Power Prediction Models Based on Wavelet Decomposition with Least-Squares Support Vector Machine (LS-SVM) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) 71
Performance Evaluation of Horizontal Air-Ground Heat Exchangers for Conditioning Systems 70
La Casa a Zero Consumo per il clima mediterraneo 70
Data resulting from the CFD analysis of ten window frames according to the UNI EN ISO 10077-2 70
Modelling and realisation of PDMS microchannel to integrate in a nanostructured magneto-plasmonic gas and biosensor device 69
High performance solutions and data for nZEBs offices located in warm climates 69
Cost-optimal design for nearly zero energy office buildings located in warm climates 69
Data of cost-optimal solutions and retrofit design methods for school renovation in a warm climate 69
High performance precast external walls for cold climate by a multi-criteria methodology 68
Envelope design optimization by thermal modelling of a building in a warm climate 68
Energy reliability-constrained method for the multi-objective optimization of a photovoltaic-wind hybrid system with battery storage 68
Numerical and experimental analysis of the energy performance of an air-source heat pump (ASHP) coupled with a horizontal earth-to-air heat exchanger (EAHX) in different climates 68
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling of microclimate for salts crystallization control and artworks conservation 67
Technical data of a grid-connected photovoltaic/wind hybrid system with and without storage battery for residential buildings located in a warm area 67
Metodo di analisi tecnico-economica per la progettazione di interventi di retrofit degli impianti di illuminazione per edifici scolastici 67
CFD Modeling of Spray 66
Stima della producibilità a breve termine di impianti eolici mediante sistemi statistico/neurali 66
An integrated tool to monitor renewable energy flows and optimize the recharge of a fleet of plug-in electric vehicles in the campus of the University of Salento: Preliminary results 66
Computational Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis of Horizontal Slinky Heat Exchangers for GSHPs 65
Optimizing of a wind turbine rotor by CFD modeling 65
Photovoltaic forecast based on hybrid PCA–LSSVM using dimensionality reducted data 65
Application of an unconventional thermal and mechanical energy storage coupled with the air conditioning and domestic hot water systems of a residential building 65
Worldwide geographical mapping and optimization of stand-alone and grid-connected hybrid renewable system techno-economic performance across Köppen-Geiger climates 65
Il restauro delle murature e le nuove tecniche di indagine: edifici storici del Salento 64
Performance measurements of monocrystalline silicon PV modules in South-eastern Italy 64
Efficient Solutions and Cost-Optimal Analysis for Existing School Buildings 64
Data on Support Vector Machines (SVM) model to forecast photovoltaic power 64
Sizing analysis of interior lighting using tubular daylighting devices 64
Horizontal Air-Ground Heat Exchangers for Conditioning Systems 63
Interaction between Human Serum Albumin and Different Anatase TiO2 Nanoparticles: A Nano-bio Interface Study 63
Properties of nanocrystals-formulated aluminosilicate bricks 63
Optimization of high efficiency slab-on-ground floor by multi-objective analysis for zero energy buildings in mediterranean climate 63
Computational Sensitivity Analysis of Horizontal Heat Exchangers for GSHPs 62
Performance Analysis of Air Cooled Heat Pump Coupled with Horizontal Air Ground Heat Exchanger in the Mediterranean Climate 62
null 62
Complete greenhouse dynamic simulation tool to assess the crop thermal well-being and energy needs 62
Horizontal Heat Exchangers for GSHP. Efficiency and Cost Investigation for Three Different Applications 60
Efficienza e costi legati all’adozione degli scambiatori di calore orizzontali in impianti con pompe di calore geotermiche 60
Modeling of light pipes for the optimal disposition in buildings 60
Computational Modeling and Sensitivity Analysis of Horizontal Slinky Heat Exchangers for Gshps 59
Hypothesis of thermal and mechanical energy storage with unconventional methods 59
Photovoltaic power forecasting using statistical methods: impact of weather data 58
A novel energy-economic-environmental multi-criteria decision-making in the optimization of a hybrid renewable system 58
Multi-objective analysis for the optimization of a high performance slab-on- Ground floor in a warm climate 56
Optimization under uncertainty of horizontal ground heat exchangers 55
Edifici a consumo quasi zero in regioni calde del bacino del Mediterraneo 55
Computational Fluid Dynamic Modeling of Horizontal Air-Ground Heat Exchangers (HAGHE) for HVAC Systems 54
Data of high performance precast external walls for warm climate 54
Analysis of Thermodynamic Cycles of Heat Pumps and Magnetic Refrigerators Using Mathematical Models 54
Totale 7.341
Categoria #
all - tutte 61.120
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 61.120

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020934 0 0 0 0 0 340 158 191 29 54 156 6
2020/20211.040 124 5 142 131 48 129 4 148 13 147 14 135
2021/2022538 6 1 8 22 117 15 17 54 28 11 59 200
2022/20233.848 178 282 162 105 136 209 71 154 2.382 22 93 54
2023/20241.242 72 56 86 85 99 108 26 28 157 282 176 67
2024/2025658 77 72 110 75 274 50 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 9.457