LAFORGIA, Domenico
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 16.825
NA - Nord America 4.925
AS - Asia 1.479
AF - Africa 49
SA - Sud America 18
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 15
OC - Oceania 2
Totale 23.313
Nazione #
IT - Italia 9.027
US - Stati Uniti d'America 4.918
IE - Irlanda 4.553
SE - Svezia 1.204
UA - Ucraina 1.077
SG - Singapore 590
FI - Finlandia 381
IN - India 339
CN - Cina 244
HK - Hong Kong 216
DE - Germania 159
FR - Francia 156
GB - Regno Unito 67
SN - Senegal 48
RU - Federazione Russa 35
BE - Belgio 33
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 31
TR - Turchia 27
NL - Olanda 25
CH - Svizzera 20
KR - Corea 17
BR - Brasile 15
EU - Europa 15
JP - Giappone 15
PL - Polonia 12
ES - Italia 10
IR - Iran 8
BG - Bulgaria 7
PK - Pakistan 7
CA - Canada 6
MY - Malesia 6
AT - Austria 5
DK - Danimarca 5
PT - Portogallo 5
AL - Albania 3
IQ - Iraq 3
MC - Monaco 3
AU - Australia 2
MN - Mongolia 2
RS - Serbia 2
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
CO - Colombia 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EE - Estonia 1
GR - Grecia 1
ID - Indonesia 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
LT - Lituania 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MX - Messico 1
NG - Nigeria 1
RO - Romania 1
TW - Taiwan 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 23.313
Città #
Lecce 6.308
Dublin 4.550
Chandler 893
Jacksonville 660
Singapore 382
Princeton 330
Wayanad 327
Bari 251
Des Moines 223
Rome 157
Wilmington 152
Central District 142
West Jordan 129
New York 108
Milan 98
Ann Arbor 90
Ogden 87
Lequile 84
Hong Kong 73
Taranto 72
Helsinki 63
Boardman 55
Dakar 48
Bremen 36
Kent 36
Ashburn 34
Jinan 34
Bologna 31
Brussels 31
Grafing 29
Brno 28
Modugno 27
Molfetta 24
Seelze 23
Torino 23
Foggia 22
Kocaeli 22
Turin 22
Naples 17
Norwalk 17
Parma 17
Shenyang 17
Copertino 16
Palermo 16
Los Angeles 15
Dallas 14
Munich 14
Tokyo 14
Amsterdam 13
Beijing 13
Falls Church 13
Nanjing 13
Paris 13
Toritto 13
Florence 12
Santa Clara 12
Duncan 11
Gallipoli 11
Genoa 11
Hangzhou 11
Messina 11
Palo Del Colle 11
San Giovanni Rotondo 11
Seoul 11
Avellino 10
Bitonto 10
Brindisi 10
Brooklyn 10
Castelnuovo Della Daunia 10
Monopoli 10
Triggiano 10
Verona 10
Augusta 9
Barletta 9
Cerignola 9
Chieti 9
Hebei 9
London 9
Martina Franca 9
Pescara 9
Redwood City 9
Shanghai 9
Trani 9
Afragola 8
Berlin 8
Candiolo 8
Houston 8
Mola Di Bari 8
Ostuni 8
Taiyuan 8
Bisceglie 7
Castellana Grotte 7
Guangzhou 7
Haikou 7
Padova 7
Bulach 6
Columbus 6
Minervino Murge 6
Ningbo 6
San Ferdinando di Puglia 6
Totale 16.351
Nome #
Atlante Eolico della Regione Puglia 2.421
Un Tool in Matlab-Simulink per la Simulazione di Pompe di Calore Geotermiche 385
Air/methane mixture ignition with Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNTs) and comparison with spark ignition 182
Studio numerico del processo di estrusione dei cereali ed analisi dei parametri che influenzano la qualità del prodotto estruso 177
PON 254/Ric. Potenziamento del “CENTRO RICERCHE PER LA SALUTE DELL'UOMO E DELL'AMBIENTE” Cod. PONa3_00334. CUP: F81D11000210007 142
Analisi sperimentale dell'influenza dell'iniezione pilota sulla combustione, sulle emissioni inquinanti e sui consumi per un motore Diesel common rail 135
Tecnologie per la propulsione sostenibile (GREEN ENGINE) 132
Cooling of electronic devices: Nanofluids contribution 120
Thermal solar collector with tapered tubes for application with traditional heat transfer fluids and inseminated with particles and nanofluids 119
Numerical method for wind energy analysis applied to Apulia Region, Italy 111
Experimental test of an innovative high concentration nanofluid solar collector 108
A Critical Approach to Design Diesel Engines by means of Evolutionary Algorithms and Numerical Simulations 106
Control Strategy Optimization of a Fuel-Cell Electric Vehicle 105
Dual-fuel injection fundamentals: Experimental - Numerical analysis into a constant-volume vessel 104
3D Simulations And Experimental Validation of High EGR - PHCCI Combustion 101
Block Vibration as a Way of Monitoring the Combustion Evolution in a Direct Injection Diesel Engine 100
Evaluation of emissions of CO2 and air pollutants from electric vehicles in Italian cities 97
Improvement of dual-fuel biodiesel-producer gas engine performance acting on biodiesel injection parameters and strategy 97
Brevetto internazionale per invenzione industriale relativo ad un sensore ottico, a base di GaN, operante in ambienti ad elevata temperatura per la misura on-line delle emissioni. 96
Design and Calibration Strategies for Improving HCCI Combustion in Dual-Fuel Diesel–Methane Engines 96
Experimental investigation and combustion analysis of a direct injection dual-fuel diesel-natural gas engine 95
Multiobjective optimization of the breathing system of an aircraft two stroke supercharged Diesel engine 94
Cavitating Flow Simulations in Turbopumps 93
Analisi di scenario per la riduzione delle emissioni inquinanti nella Regione Puglia 92
Photo-Induced Ignition of different Gaseous Fuels using Carbon Nanotubes mixed with metal nanoparticles as Ignitor Agents 91
A Preliminary Study on the Apllication of LITGS to Temperature and Fuel Distribution Measurements in Diesel Engines.", 90
Nanofluidi per il solare termodinamico 90
Combustion and performance characteristics of air-fuel mixtures ignited by means of photo-thermal ignition of Nano-Energetic Materials 90
3-D Analysis of the Flow Through a Multihole VCO Nozzle for DI Diesel Engines 89
Analisi delle prestazioni di uno scambiatore di calore compatto a flussi incrociati 89
A Preliminary Study on the Application of LITGS to Temperature and Fuel Distribution Measurements in Diesel Engines 89
Analisi termo-fluidodinamica di un processo di normalizzazione di ruote dentate all’interno di un forno di tempra 89
Pannello solare piano a collettori rastremati per applicazioni con fluidi termovettori tradizionali ed inseminati con particelle e con nanofluidi 89
Modelling and Optimization of Transparent Parabolic Trough Collector Based on Gas-Phase Nanofluids 88
An Integrated Tool to Monitor Renewable Energy Flows and Optimize the Recharge of a Fleet of Plug-in Electric Vehicles in the Campus of University of Salento 88
Numerical method for wind energy analysis in WTG siting 88
Investigation and Computer Simulation of Diesel Injection System with Rotative Pump 87
A Study on the Optimization of the Design and Control Parameters of a Fuel-Cell Hybrid Electric Vehicle with Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithms 87
A Mobile Test Bench for Fuel Cell Control Strategies 87
Analisi Sperimentale degli Effetti di Differenti Strategie di Iniezione Sulle Emissioni e le Prestazioni di un Motore Diesel Common Rail 86
Experimental validation of a CFD model and an optimization procedure for dual fuel engines 86
Potential Application of Photo-thermal Volumetric Ignition of Carbon Nanotubes in Internal Combustion Engines 86
A New Advanced Approach to the Design of Combustion Chambers in Diesel Engines 85
Analisi sperimentale e fluidodinamica delle prestazioni di un aerogeneratore in contesto urbano 85
CFD modeling to evaluate the thermal performances of window frames in accordance with the ISO 10077 85
Multi-parameter optimization of double-loop fluidized bed solar reactor for thermochemical fuel production 85
Analysis of energy consumption: A case study of an Italian winery 85
Fluiddynamische Erscheinungen in Einspritzanlagen 84
A Preliminary Study on the Effect of Low Temperature Kinetics on Engine Modeling 84
MALET – Sviluppo di tecnologie per la propulsione ad alta quota e lunga autonomia di velivoli non abitati 84
Sistema a carro-ponte per il caricamento automatico di magazzini piani per lo stoccaggio di cerali e prodotti sciolti senza passarella longitudinale 84
Application of the Mean-Variance theory and resampling technique for the Italian energy portfolio settlement 84
Numerical Optimization of SPR Sensors for Lube Oil Real-Time Optical Characterization in Large 2-Stroke Marine Diesel Engines 84
A theoretical investigation of the energy balance of a high efficiency thermophotovoltaic generator for automotive applications 83
An Experimental Study of High Pressure Nozzles in Consideration of Hole-to-Hole Spray Abnormalities 83
Analisi Termofluidodinamica di un Innovativo Collettore Solare Parabolico Lineare Basato Sull’Utilizzo di Nanofluidi 83
Air cooled heat pump coupled with Horizontal Air-Ground Heat Exchanger (HAGHE) for Zero Energy Buildings in the Mediterranean climate 83
Led-based Public Lighting System Reliability for a Reduced Impact on Environment and Energy Consumption 81
3-D Thermal-Fluid Dynamic Study of Hazardous Hospital Waste Incinerator 81
Advanced closed loop combustion control of a LTC diesel engine based on in-cylinder pressure signals 81
Definizione di un protocollo procedurale per l’individuazione delle fonti di PM10 80
Cella di Graetzel con sistema di ricambio continuo del colorante organico e dell’elettrolita 80
A new solution for reduced sedimentation flat panel solar thermal collector using nanofluids 80
La classificazione e lo smaltimento dei rifiuti radioattivi cosiddetti decaduti 79
Analisi della propagazione dei fumi e della composizione chimica del particolato 79
Caratterizzazione Fluidodinamica Di Un Parco Eolico 79
Simulazione numerica del processo di estrusione dei cereali 79
An easy and inexpensive way to estimate the trapping efficiency of a two stroke engine 79
Optimization of the Combustion Chamber of Direct Injection Diesel Engines 78
Simulazione fluidodinamica del moto delle particelle nelle camere di combustione a letto fluido circolante 78
An Application of Multi-Criteria Genetic Algorithms to the Optimization of a Common-Rail Injector 78
A TiO2 Sensor Probe for Monitoring the Exhaust Gas for Automotive Application 78
Design of a Multiparameter Acquisition System for Photovoltaic Panels 78
Simulation and Optimization of the Energy Management of ITAN500 in the SUMO Traffic Model Environment 78
An evolutionary algorithm to design diesel engines 78
A Theoretical Code to Simulate the Behaviour of an Electro-Injector for Diesel Engines and Parametric Analysis 77
Accelerometer Signal for Combustion Diagnosis in Diesel Engines 77
A Theoretical Investigation on the Effects of Combustion Chamber Geometry and Engine Speed on Soot and NOx Emissions 77
Error analysis of hybrid photovoltaic power forecasting models: A case study of mediterranean climate 77
Sviluppo della produzione elettrica da fonti rinnovabili: nuove opportunità e certezze normative 76
Caratterizzazione del sito di interesse nazionale di Brindisi- Modellazione numerica della fluidodinamica di falda e del trasporto di inquinanti 76
Analysis of the Relation Between Injection Parameter Variation and Block Vibration of an Internal Combustion Diesel Engine 76
Studio del transitorio nella valvola di controllo di un sistema di iniezione Diesel in presenza di cavitazione: indagine sperimentale e teorica 76
An Evolutionary Methodology for the Design of a D.I. Combustion Chamber for Diesel Engines 75
Gestire i rifiuti 75
Microgenerazione di energia elettrica e calore attraverso un motore Stirling alimentato con biomasse 75
Results of Experimental Investigations on the Heat Conductivity of Nanofluids Based on Diathermic Oil for High Temperature Applications 75
Design of a multiparameter acquisition system for photovoltaic panels 75
Optimization Of A Coal Pulvirezed Swirled Burner By Cfd Modelling 74
Impianti di riscaldamento e condizionamento negli edifici residenziali 74
Analisi della cavitazione dei fori di polverizzatori minisac: indagine sperimentale e numerica 74
Definition and optimization of the supercharging architecture for an aircraft two stroke diesel engine 74
Investigating the impact of copper leaching on combustion characteristics and particulate emissions in HPCR diesel engines 74
An Experimental Study of High Pressure Nozzles in Consideration of Hole-to-Hole Spray Abnormalities 73
Experimental Tests on Diathermic Oil Based Nanofluids for HeatTransfer Applications 73
Totale 11.595
Categoria #
all - tutte 116.902
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 116.902

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20202.455 0 0 0 0 0 872 348 538 111 158 394 34
2020/20213.003 362 48 370 415 137 357 42 378 97 392 54 351
2021/20222.394 52 20 130 209 407 146 84 164 131 199 338 514
2022/20238.249 509 586 345 400 359 455 180 251 4.851 41 166 106
2023/20242.149 160 120 158 156 151 148 39 90 237 502 298 90
2024/20251.087 123 67 117 158 493 129 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 23.609