Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 2.519
NA - Nord America 1.004
AS - Asia 519
AF - Africa 34
SA - Sud America 4
OC - Oceania 2
Totale 4.082
Nazione #
IT - Italia 1.132
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.000
IE - Irlanda 849
SE - Svezia 267
SG - Singapore 155
IN - India 121
UA - Ucraina 121
CN - Cina 115
HK - Hong Kong 45
DE - Germania 38
FI - Finlandia 37
SN - Senegal 32
KR - Corea 31
JP - Giappone 24
BE - Belgio 19
FR - Francia 15
GB - Regno Unito 9
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 6
ID - Indonesia 6
RS - Serbia 5
TR - Turchia 5
BR - Brasile 4
CA - Canada 4
IQ - Iraq 4
LT - Lituania 4
NL - Olanda 4
ES - Italia 3
AU - Australia 2
BD - Bangladesh 2
IR - Iran 2
LU - Lussemburgo 2
PK - Pakistan 2
TH - Thailandia 2
VN - Vietnam 2
AT - Austria 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
DK - Danimarca 1
EE - Estonia 1
HR - Croazia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
MA - Marocco 1
MD - Moldavia 1
MY - Malesia 1
PL - Polonia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 4.082
Città #
Dublin 849
Lecce 684
Chandler 145
Wayanad 118
Singapore 102
Jacksonville 88
Princeton 50
Salice Salentino 37
Des Moines 36
Ann Arbor 35
Bitonto 35
Dakar 32
Seoul 31
Lequile 28
Central District 26
Kent 26
New York 25
Santa Marinella 25
Tokyo 22
Bari 21
Taranto 21
West Jordan 20
Brussels 19
Hong Kong 19
Wilmington 18
Ogden 17
Ashburn 14
Helsinki 14
Surbo 14
Beijing 13
Rome 13
Falls Church 10
Boardman 9
Munich 9
Oppido Mamertina 9
Stimigliano 9
Guagnano 8
Jinan 8
Los Angeles 8
Frankfurt am Main 7
Redwood City 7
Brooklyn 6
Copertino 6
Gioia Del Colle 6
Hanover 6
Milan 6
Brno 5
Lappeenranta 5
Porto San Giorgio 5
Baghdad 4
Belgrade 4
Bremen 4
Corato 4
Dresden 4
Noicattaro 4
Santa Clara 4
Santa Maria Capua Vetere 4
Toronto 4
Zhengzhou 4
Amsterdam 3
Cartagena 3
Catania 3
Chicago 3
Edinburgh 3
Irvine 3
Napoli 3
Ningbo 3
Norwalk 3
Pesaro 3
Shanghai 3
Shenyang 3
Altoona 2
Bandung 2
Borgo San Lorenzo 2
Cellino San Marco 2
Council Bluffs 2
Falkenstein 2
Frontone 2
Ho Chi Minh City 2
Luxembourg 2
Manaus 2
Marina di Ginosa 2
Melbourne 2
Midland 2
Modugno 2
Montpellier 2
Mumbai 2
Nanjing 2
Nardò 2
Ottaviano 2
Peshawar 2
Phitsanulok 2
Rize 2
Rovigo 2
Salerno 2
San Pietro Vernotico 2
San Vito dei Normanni 2
Sannicandro di Bari 2
Springfield 2
St Louis 2
Totale 2.860
Nome #
A non-parametric bootstrap-data envelopment analysis approach for environmental policy planning and management of agricultural efficiency in EU countries 116
A grey water footprint assessment of groundwater chemical pollution: Case study in Salento (Southern Italy) 115
Determinants of Farmers’ Intention to Adopt Water Saving Measures: Evidence from Italy 113
A first analysis on the need to integrate ecological aspects into financial insurance 111
Natural resource use efficiency and economic productivity 99
Mealworms for Food: A Water Footprint Perspective 95
How Did Organizational Resilience Work Before and after the Financial Crisis? An Empirical Study 95
Air pollution 95
Social Media and Environmental Sustainability: An Overview of European Countries 86
Post-Adversities Recovery and Profitability: The Case of Italian Farmers 83
null 81
Water footprint assessment of some Italian wines: a territorial perspective 79
Acid Rain 79
How Drought Affects Agricultural Insurance Policies: The Case of Italy 77
Environmental risks and efficiency performances: The vulnerability of Italian forestry firms 77
Economics analysis of marine fisheries and mariculture in Croatia and trade balance with Italy 76
Food contact materials recalls and international trade relations: an analysis of the nexus between RASFF notifications and product origin 76
The Contribution of Environmental Indicators to the Sustainable Performance of Countries 74
ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT: a local policy perspective 74
Effects of COVID-19 on the Italian agri-food supply and value chains 74
Eco-efficiency 71
A grey water footprint assessment of groundwater pollution in Salento (southern Italy). XVII Giornata Mondiale dell’Acqua 71
Assessing the carbon footprint across the supply chain: Cow milk vs soy drink 70
Crowding out agricultural insurance and the subsidy system in Italy: empirical evidence of the charity hazard phenomenon 69
Energy Biofuels 68
Marine Fisheries and Mariculture in Croatia: Economic and Trade Analysis 66
Marine Ecological Footprint of Italian Mediterranean Fisheries 65
An optimization framework for supporting decision making in biodiesel feedstock imports: Water footprint vs. import costs 63
Did carbon emission trading system reduce emissions in China? An integrated approach to support policy modeling and implementation 63
Il “virtual water trade balance” come indicatore di sostenibilità del settore vitivinicolo italiano 62
Water footprint assessment of some Italian wines: a territorial perspective 62
Environmental Kuznets curve and the water footprint: an empirical analysis 59
Virtual water trade of agri-food products: Evidence from italian-chinese relations 58
Responsible care 57
Evaluation of Virtual Water and Water Sustainability of Dairy Production in Trentino Alto Adige (North-Eastern Italy) 57
Sustainability, Peak oil 56
Emergenza nitrati nelle acque sotterranee: l’approccio dell’impronta idrica grigia 56
IoT technologies for wine supply chain traceability: Potential application in the Southern Apulia Region (Italy) 54
Groundwater nitrate contamination and agricultural land use: A grey water footprint perspective in Southern Apulia Region (Italy) 51
Reducing waste and ecological impacts through a sustainable and efficient management of perishable food based on the Monte Carlo simulation 50
null 49
Virtual water trade of agri-food products: Evidence from Italian-Chinese relations 49
Logistics 4.0 toward circular economy in the agri-food sector 45
null 45
Pollution 45
Life Cycle Management 44
Groundwater nitrate contamination and agricultural land use: A grey water footprint perspective in Southern Apulia Region (Italy) 44
Digitalization as driver to achieve circularity in the agroindustry: A SWOT-ANP-ADAM approach 43
A Decade after the Outbreak of Xylella fastidiosa subsp. pauca in Apulia (Southern Italy): Methodical Literature Analysis of Research Strategies 39
The water footprint assessment of electricity production: An overview of the economic-water-energy nexus in Italy 34
Virtual water flows and economic water productivity of Italian fair-trade: the case of bananas, cocoa and coffee 33
Applicability of Industry 4.0 Technologies in the Reverse Logistics: A Circular Economy Approach Based on COmprehensive Distance Based RAnking (COBRA) Method 30
Public Value Creation in Smart and Resilient Cities: An Integrated Framework to Guide Decision-Makers 29
A Novel Axial-Distance-Based Aggregated Measurement (ADAM) Method for the Evaluation of Agri-Food Circular-Economy-Based Business Models 29
null 29
Agricultural Insurance in the DOCG Area of Conegliano—Valdobbiadene: An Assessment of Policy Measures 28
Evaluation of the agri-food supply chain risks: the circular economy context 27
Stakeholder engagement in the public value co-creation process: bibliometric, network and content analyses 19
Public ownership and productivity of local transport companies. Does ESG matter? 18
Metabolomic NMR analysis and organoleptic perceptions of pomegranate wines: Influence of cultivar and yeast on the product characteristics 17
The contribution of some environmental indicators to sustainable performance of countries 15
Evaluation of the smart reverse logistics development scenarios using a novel MCDM model 13
Prioritization of e-traceability drivers in the agri-food supply chains 13
Tracking on food and agriculture-related SDG indicators in the Mediterranean region 13
Knowledge Management in agriculture: the impact on the organizational dynamics in the Digital Era 8
A Novel Hybrid Gray MCDM Model for Resilient Supplier Selection Problem 7
Quality, prices and production efficiency: An exploratory study of italian wines with appellation of origin 5
Is Digitalization Making Agroindustry More Circular? A SWOT-AHP Analysis 4
null 4
Coffee biowaste valorization within circular economy: an evaluation method of spent coffee grounds potentials for mortar production 4
Measuring the impact of transport infrastructure endowment on firms' performances: the case of Italian agrifood sector 3
Towards circular economy in the agrifood sector: Water footprint assessment of food loss in the Italian fruit and vegetable supply chains 3
null 3
The sustainability of olive orchard planting management for different harvesting techniques: An integrated methodology 3
The Common Agricultural Policy 2021-2027: a new history for European agriculture 2
null 1
Totale 4.271
Categoria #
all - tutte 27.308
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 27.308

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020220 0 0 0 0 0 77 29 46 10 19 32 7
2020/2021548 36 4 60 58 59 52 46 52 27 83 12 59
2021/2022293 5 14 12 11 49 22 15 23 17 10 41 74
2022/20231.553 86 120 50 48 60 99 39 56 905 4 59 27
2023/2024722 58 40 25 44 35 38 17 36 52 222 112 43
2024/2025429 53 27 53 68 169 59 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 4.271