A proposed software framework for studying the grasp stability of underactuated fingers
2019-01-01 Zappatore, G. A.; Reina, G.; Messina, A.
A toolbox for the analysis of the grasp stability of underactuated fingers
2019-01-01 Zappatore, G. A.; Reina, G.; Messina, A.
Adam’s Hand: An Underactuated Robotic End-Effector
2016-01-01 Zappatore, GIOVANNI ANTONIO; Reina, Giulio; Messina, Arcangelo
Analysis of a highly underactuated robotic hand
2017-01-01 Zappatore, Giovanni A.; Reina, Giulio; Messina, Arcangelo
Design of an Arduino-based platform interfaced by Bluetooth Low Energy with MYO armband for controlling an under-actuated transradial prosthesis
2018-01-01 Gaetani, Federico; Zappatore, GIOVANNI ANTONIO; Visconti, Paolo; Primiceri, Patrizio
Hardware design and software development of a motion control and driving system for transradial prosthesis based on a wireless myo-electric armband
2019-01-01 Gaetani, Federico; Primiceri, P.; Zappatore, GIOVANNI ANTONIO; Visconti, Paolo
Technical features and functionalities of MYO armband: an overview on related literature and advanced applications of myoelectric bracelets mainly focused on arm prostheses
2018-01-01 Visconti, P.; Gaetani, F.; Zappatore, G. A.; Primiceri, P.
Transradial Prosthesis Based on Wireless Mioelectronic Bracelet: design of the Sensing Electronic System and Hand Movements Control
2017-01-01 Visconti, Paolo; Primiceri, Patrizio; DE FAZIO, Roberto; Gaetani, Federico; Zappatore, Ga