A Branching Model With Precocious Kno Scaling.
1982-01-01 A., D'Innocenzo; Rotelli, Pietro
A New Two Component Model for p p Topological Cross-Sections.
1978-01-01 A., D'Innocenzo; Ingrosso, Gabriele; Rotelli, Pietro
A Study Of Shadowing In Heavy Nuclei.
1974-01-01 G., Cocho; M., Gregorio; J., Leon; Rotelli, Pietro
A Universal Scaling Function For Hadron - Hadron Interactions.
1980-01-01 A., D'Innocenzo; Ingrosso, Gabriele; Rotelli, Pietro
Above barrier Dirac multiple scattering and resonances
2006-01-01 S., DE LEO; Rotelli, Pietro
Above barrier potential diffusion
2004-01-01 A., Bernardini; S., DE LEO; Rotelli, Pietro
Amplification of coupling for Yukawa potentials
2004-01-01 S., DE LEO; Rotelli, Pietro
An Observation on Vector Resonance Production in Multiparticle Processes.
1975-01-01 Ingrosso, Gabriele; Rotelli, Pietro
An su(3) analysis of vector meson photoproduction and the pomeron.
1974-01-01 G., Cocho; Rotelli, Pietro
Application of information theory at serpukhov energies.
1971-01-01 Rotelli, Pietro
Application of the truncated gaussian to the inelastic p p charged multiplicity distribution.
1973-01-01 G. W., Parry; Rotelli, Pietro
Barrier paradox in the Klein zone
2006-01-01 S., DE LEO; Rotelli, Pietro
Bound state inequality for high mass exchanges in a scalar field model.
2008-01-01 S., DE LEO; Rotelli, Pietro
Branching Models With Constant Weights.
1984-01-01 Rotelli, Pietro
Charge correlations in high-energy multiplicity processes.
1973-01-01 Rotelli, Pietro
Corrected Differences As Estimates Of Anti-P P Annihilation Cross-Sections.
1980-01-01 A., D'Innocenzo; Ingrosso, Gabriele; Rotelli, Pietro
Could su(3) be an exact reduced-vertex symmetry?
1973-01-01 Rotelli, Pietro; M. D., Scadron
Differential cross-sections for charge exchange - reactions with t-dependent residues.
1972-01-01 Robert, Delbourgo; Rotelli, Pietro
Dirac equation studies in the tunneling energy zone
2007-01-01 S., DE LEO; Rotelli, Pietro
Duality diagrams and supermultiplets.
1969-01-01 Robert, Delbourgo; Rotelli, Pietro